Dzięki ratom LoanByLink you will significantly increase the customers’ number who can buy your products and use services. It’s a well-known fact that allowing clients credit payments rise their demand for purchase. Thanks to our service your clients will be able to buy more or buy more expensive products which would not be available for them by cash. LoanByLink make your shop offer more attractive for clients that leads to their higher loyalty . What’s more you not only get new clients but also keep the old ones that pursue shop by credit solutions.
handel prowadzony za pomocą internetu sklepy internetowe
Raty w sklepie
artykuły dziecięce, jubiler, artykuły budowlane
Raty w mediach społecznościowych
wklej link do płatności ratalnej w poście opisującym dany produkt, czy usługa.
Raty dla www bez funkcji sklepu
opcja płatności ratalnej na Twojej stronie www.
Raty w usługach
gabinety kosmetyczne, optyk, szkoły jazdy, szkolenia i edukacja, salony tatuażu
What can you get with LoanByLink
LoanByLink you will significantly increase the customers’ number who can buy your products and use services. It’s a well-known fact that allowing clients credit payments rise their demand for purchase. Thanks to our service your clients will be able to buy more or buy more expensive products which would not be available for them by cash. LoanByLink make your shop offer more attractive for clients that leads to their higher loyalty . What’s more you not only get new clients but also keep the old ones that pursue shop by credit solutions.
Why LoanByLink?
High level of applications acceptance
Alternative financing in case of bank refusal
Fast transfer to the shop account
Technical support
We place importance on 3 x 3
3 x 3 = MORE
minutes for a site integration
minutes for application
minutes to payment transfer
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Sales department
+48 327 232 299
Prizes and awards
European Medal – BCC
The financial order of Home&Market
Fintech Award
Crystal of Quality 2019